Monday, April 19, 2010

Global Warming

2. An Introduction
            Let us start with Depletion of Groundwater that will end on Global Warming. Currently, both GW-Factor (Ground Water Depletion and Global Warming) are considered as a separate issues. Our scientists have predicted the causes of the ‘Depletion of the Groundwater’ is due to the immense pumping of water for irrigation whereas Rise of the Sea Water Level is due to the Melting of the Glaciers; the melting of the Glaciers is due to the Global Warming. The ‘Global Warming' is due to the Greenhouse Gases separately 

           We didn’t yet consider as if there may be a correlation between these two factors and blamed the emissions only. The solutions suggested to prevent the Depletion of Groundwater are limited up to few option of artificial recharge for the groundwater only. Assuming the same, if we pause the pumping of the groundwater for several years; this is sure there will be no improvement in the groundwater level because the causes predicted yet and the effort being performed to prevent the Depletion of Groundwater are incomplete in itself. We have still not able to find the right track of investigation to find what actually wrong tasks had been carried out by us under the ground which is completely responsible for the disappearing of the underground water and causes of Global Warming. We have still not able to reach to analyze human activities which are unnatural and may be one of the serious causes of disappearing of the groundwater and the Global Warming together.

            On the basis of the illustration given below we will find that disappearing of the groundwater may not completely due to the only immense pumping for irrigation. Because human life on this Earth is from the centuries and many rivers are still flowing from the beginning till today without any end, on the surface of the Earth; we can imagine that how much an unlimited presence of water below the earth surface is there. There were also no unusual trends in rainfall. In fact, rainfall was slightly above normal for the period and the aquifers are replenishing every year. In these situations, it is unbelievable that the groundwater can be finished only by pumping through the bore wells; whereas the fact is that we are exploiting a few percent of unlimited groundwater present below the surface of the Earth.

            It is a common predicted phenomenon by our scientists that pumping of recharge of the groundwater is very less in comparison of water we are pumping out of from the wells and tube well; but we have really missed to study or even we think that the immense water is also being continuously flowing for 24 hours downwards through the holes of the multi-aquifer tube wells from one aquifer to lower aquifer which is much larger quantity than the water extracted by us for irrigation. Some experts agreed that due to the holes in the impermeable layer an aquifer can’t remain or act as an aquifer. We have created permeability between the unconfined aquifer and confined aquifers by deeper multi-aquifer tube wells or bore wells.

            Due to this unnatural activity there may be a ‘New Released Pressure of Water’ in abundance in the farthest Confined Aquifers of the Low Land areas; when water flows through these bypasses/holes made by the deeper 'multi-aquifer' tube wells at the bottom of ‘large underground water reservoirs’ or impervious layer at the back of rises/heads of the impermeable layers towards the highland areas. Through these holes this ‘immense quantity’ of groundwater is flowing from one aquifer to another and then towards the sea, rising the Sea Water Level. It could be noted for the Jodhpur City that there is a rise in the Groundwater level, which may be due to immense pressure of water in confined aquifer below the impermeable layers, whereas there is groundwater depletion in the District areas only where there are numerous deeper tube wells and the example of new artesian wells discovered in Hanumangarh District and Jaiselmer District.

            According to the report of NASA more than 109 cubic km (26 cubic miles) of groundwater disappeared just in only six years which is only the consequence of the immense pumping of underground water? Is it possible that we could pump out 109 cubic km of water in six years, since 2002 to 2008? If not then where the water has gone? That much of amount of water was present before 2002; and the ratio analysis for the uses of water for irrigation and other drinking purposes cannot make such a big difference by the human activities between those six years and the last few decades. The Depletion of the Groundwater level and Global Warming was detected first time before few decades or a century in the History of the Earth. But, now we have to look under the hidden part of this problem which is also directly responsible for the Global Warming.

            We urgently need to study GW-Factor (Ground Water and Global Warming) those are adverse to each other. In few words we can say; Groundwater Depletion >> Escaping Humidity >> Vegetation Loss >> Global Warming >> More Vegetation loss >> More Global Warming >> Warm Winters >> Low Rabi Production >> Starvation >> Typical Human & Organism Life. On this Earth the Depletion of Groundwater is not only in Northern India, but it is also in other countries like Northern China, US, Algeria, Egypt, Pakistan, Iran, and Mexico etc. The Global Warming is directly related to the Depletion of Groundwater, and it occurs after the groundwater started pumping through aquitard piercing deeper tube wells since more that 30-50 years. Today, we are observing the effect of Global Warming on the vegetation, but we also need to observe the effect of Lack of Vegetation on Global Warming “conversely”.

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