If we have to take firm emergency steps otherwise we have to face very serious living conditions till 2020 for human as well as for animals due to water and grains crises both. The situation will be very difficult for us to implement the options to survive, for every organism on this earth. Today we do not need the global submit, conferences and meetings; we need solutions to materialize them as soon as possible. Our high technology can save individual life by keeping him on the ventilators, but now our earth also needs a ventilator and urgent Emergency Ordinance with a Global Policy which should be followed by all the Nations with no if’s and buts’. Now, it is not a question of a State and Country; it is a question of our Planet Earth. All the political activities and National Boundaries, planning for colonies on the moon are meaningless. Today, we have also started taking about the End of Life on our Beautiful Planet Earth and that should not be; we still do have a last chance.
• The human life is already in the danger due to the falling groundwater level, lack of drinking water, droughts, warm winters, low agriculture output and against of all these; there is an increase in the population. Looking over the above reasons a large population will be finish due to hunger/starvation and natural disasters. We have damaged the geological structure of our earth crust by drilling holes, which will not be replenished automatically in the next billions of years. The environmental imbalance will be stable for always which will be adverse for human life, other organism and the vegetation on the earth.
• No water will be available for the growing grains for the population increasing so rapidly. The socio-Economic life is in the danger. Very serious situation are arises for the first time in the last million years of Earth’s History and every creature on the earth is moving under dangerous alarming conditions. Now, the public have started moving for deeper tube wells in search of water for irrigation and will make numerous tube wells; will bring a complex exhaustion of the Engine of our Planet Earth more rapidly which is more serious and unnatural. The rate of increase in Global Warming will be higher in next few years. During the current situation of the scarcity of the water; sewerage water is used for irrigation. The vegetable grown are infected and contains poisonous heavy metal like arsenic, lead, mercury, and cadmium which are responsible for the various diseases and physical abnormalities. Arsenic in ground water is largely the result of minerals dissolving from weathered rocks and soils. Several types of cancer have been linked to arsenic in water. In 2001 the US Environmental Protection Agency lowered the maximum level of arsenic permitted in drinking water from 50 micrograms per liter (ug/L) to 10 ug/L.
• Vegetation disappearing on the earth due to the depletion of the groundwater is responsible for the increase in the Desert Land Area need a serious consideration. The situation occurred are further responsible for the drought; the pet animals are dying at higher rate due to starvation and lack of fodder. Every person will have to struggle for life in the environment of inflation; adulterated food supplement will compel the public to live a lower quality life. We can compare the results arises due to our activities of last 3-4 decades with those deadly consequences that will come only in the next ten years. We see emptiness in every field after 10-30 years. How we will grow grains, pulses and vegetables? What the public will eat living below poverty line? There are so many questions; need only one answer.
• Due to Global Warming we are facing warm winters; drought and floods. In these situations we will not able to produce Kharif crop in summers and Rabi Crop in warm winters. The agriculture output is decreasing silently inspiring the stockiest for huge stocking of the food supplement resulting inflation in the rates of everything. We cannot hope any improvement in these situations until we arrest the root causes immediately. The situation will be out of control very soon for any Government of the Nations those are depending on public vote system for policy making.
• An Environmental Imbalance and Global Warming are the final result of all of the above factors after the semi final results with the vanishing of the vegetation and organisms on this Earth. On our beautiful Planet Earth, nothing is increasing except the population, diseases, mismanagement, inflation and corruption. We need an effective pause otherwise; the nature will stop us forever.
• According to the news published in Dainik Bhaskar Dated 24 January, 2010 ONGC will launch a project of rupees 25 Crores to dig rock piercing tube wells 1100 meters deeper to extract the water from the extinct Sarasvati River. Currently a tube well was made whose depth is 550 meters which is the deepest tube well in the Rajasthan. It is an evidence in itself; if we see the above illustration over Global Warming and Depletion of the Groundwater; and the news published in the news paper together - that our scientist and engineers have not even thought about the movement of the water when the impermeable layer get punctured between the aquifers by the deeper tube wells and what may be the serious consequences.
• The government has made rainwater harvesting mandatory for all public and establishments and all properties in plots covering more than 500 sq m in urban areas. All government buildings, institutions, local bodies, cooperative bodies and government-aided bodies have been directed to make provisions for collection and conservation of rainwater in their premises. Hence, our primary step for the replenishment of the groundwater is limited up to the rainwater harvesting, permission for digging wells, limited pumping, pricing of the water etc. but till today we do not have any idea about the quantity of water which is flowing from one aquifer to the lower aquifer through the holes of the tube wells, and where it is going therefore no water legislature and rainwater harvesting policies would work under the ground and it’s very sure that the harvested water will not be retained by the ground and would flow towards the sea through the shortcuts made by us.
• Global Warming predicted due to burning of fossil fuel, deforestation and green house gases may be the secondary causes now; can be controlled by strict legislature and advance technical changes, but we have to see the happening beneath the ground damaged by our unnatural activities need very emergency steps to cure it, where the designed legislature will not work. A firm solution to prevent the emission of carbon in the atmosphere is already been considered need a support to materialize it.
The above illustrations are made to reveal the esoteric mystery for the Depletion of Groundwater and Global Warming together. In the same way the firm solutions are also being considered to overcome the hazardous conditions arises for the human life by the disappearing of the groundwater resulting Global Warming. If emergency steps are considered immediately, we can still have many options to control the Depletion of the Groundwater in Northern India and other countries as well in just only in few years and I assure for that.
A common global ordinance for all the nations is required; a single nation couldn’t do anything to resolve the problem of Global Warming. The Global Warming is the consequence of the Depletion of the Groundwater and has a direct relation; this must be taken at our higher considerations. We have arranged the radiators for our car engine and AC’s for our rooms and offices, but unfortunately we have forgotten about the coolant of our Earth flowing in the upper unconfined radiator/aquifer, while we are planning for colonies on the moon, many space mission and have to face the unexpected results in the future from CERN’s LHC.
The well planned firm solutions for Depletion of Groundwater and Global Warming are required; those are not mentioned in this illustration or anywhere, before to ascertain many thing; which are safe with me and not disclosed. If the Government of the Nations would find the above prediction a correct and justified prediction, then we will come to the solutions. The Co-operation of the Nations is required to design the policy to solve the problem of GW-Factor (Ground Water and Global Warming), by organizing a Joint Committee for Global Frame Work for emergency action, I am sure that we can bring our Earth back to previous 50 years old conditions again, within 10-15 years. If our Scientists and the System of the Nations still thinking that GW-Factor cannot be improved or resolved then we should stop various space missions and CERN’s LHC project because everything will be useless when our Earth’s Engine is on exhausting conditions. Today, we are trying to unlock the mysteries of the formation of the universe and propel human scientific understanding into the future; ignoring the factual things going wrong at the back currently.
The above Prediction is based on best of my knowledge and assumptions with logical reasoning. There may be some contradiction over it, but I hope your opinion/comments in favor or against of the above illustrations and need a support to raise the above theory at higher level considerations so that a final concept could be develop for Our Planet Earth. Kindly, do not let it go waste into the dust bin.
Copy to:- 1. President of India, New Delhi. 28 Jan; 10 Feb; 16 Feb, 2010
2. Prime Minister of India, New Delhi. 28 Jan; 10 Feb; 16 Feb, 2010
3. Chief Minister of Rajasthan, Jaipur. 25 Jan; 10 Feb; 16 Feb, 2010
4. Director, ISRO, India. 22 Feb, 2010
5. National Remote Sensing Center, India 20 Feb, 2010
6. Ministry of Water Resources, India. 20 Feb, 2010
7. Ministry of Environment and Forest, India. 20 Feb, 1 Mar 2010
8. ASEM, New Delhi, India. 20 Feb, 27 Feb 2010
9. NASA Headquarters, USA. 20 Feb, 2010
10. Matthew Rodell, NASA Headquarters. 24 Feb, 03 Mar, 2010
11. The secretariat, UNFCCC, Germany. 21 Feb, 2010
12. The secretariat, IPCC, Geneva 2, Switzerland. 22 Feb, 27 Feb 2010
13. Editors, Daily Newspapers and Agencies. 21 Feb, 27 Feb, 2010
14. Government of Denmark 28 Feb, 2010
15. The Director, EPA, Washington DC 01 Mar, 2010
16. Minister of NREP, Government of Russian Federation, Moscow - 02 Mar, 2010
17. Secretary, California Environmental Protection Agency 02 Mar, 2010
18. The U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington 03 Mar, 2010
19. Chief, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Washington 03 Mar, 2010
20. WWC Headquarters, World Water Council, France 03 Mar, 2010
21. The Secretariat, Copenhagen Climate Council, Copenhagen 03 Mar, 2010
22. World Health Organization, Switzerland 04 Mar, 2010
Aquifers: - An aquifer is an underground layer of water-bearing permeable rock or unconsolidated materials (gravel, sand, silt, or clay) from which groundwater can be usefully extracted using water well. The rocks contain water-filled pores that, when connected, allow water to flow through their matrix.
Aquitard: - An aquitard is a zone within the earth that restricts the flow of groundwater from one aquifer to another. An aquitard can sometimes, if completely impermeable, be called an aquiclude or aquifuge. Aquitards comprise layers of either clay or non-porous rock with low hydraulic conductivity.
Aquiclude or aquifuge: - An impermeable body of rock which contains no interconnected openings or interstices; therefore it neither absorbs nor transmits water. In other words it is an impermeable body of rock or stratum of sediment that acts as a barrier to the flow of groundwater.
Artesian well: - A well tapping a confined aquifer. Water in the well rises above the top of the aquifer under artesian pressure, but does not necessarily reach the land surface; a flowing artesian well is a well in which the water level is above the land surface.
Confined aquifer: - Confined aquifers exist where the groundwater is bounded between layers of impermeable substances like clay or dense rock. When tapped by a well, water in confined aquifers is forced up, sometimes above the soil surface. This is how a flowing artesian well is formed.
Unconfined Aquifers: - In an unconfined aquifer the upper surface (water table) is open to the atmosphere through permeable overlying material.
Hydrogeology: - The study of water flow in aquifers and the characterization of aquifers; is known as hydrogeology.
Impermeable or Confining layer: - A layer of material (such as clay) in an aquifer through which water does not pass or that does not have permeability or hydraulic conductivity. Water does not pass through this layer or the rate of movement is extremely slow.

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